astrology, traditional astrology, medieval astrology, Chris Brennan, Demetra George, Benjamin Dykes, James Holden, American Federation of Astrologers
AFA 2011 Traditional Astrology Conference

In September 2011, the oldest American astrological association, the American Federation of Astrologers, hosted a three-day traditional astrology conference. Held in honor of James Holden's research into and historic translations of traditional texts, Benjamin Dykes, Demetra George, and Chris Brennan gave extensive presentations on numerous traditional concepts and techniques. Running at 13 hours of audio (375 MB), this audio download contains MP3 recordings of the proceedings, plus many PDF slides and study aids. See list of lectures below.

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astrology, traditional astrology, medieval astrology, electional astrology, inceptional astrology, Eduardo Gramaglia, Hephaistion of Thebes
Apotelesmatics Book III: On Inceptions

Hephaistion of Thebes’ Apotelesmatics (5th Century AD) is an important record of ancient doctrines on general principles, natal, and electional astrology, largely drawn from the work of Ptolemy and Dorotheus.

Click here for a PDF excerpt.

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Astrology, medieval astrology, traditional astrology, mundane astrology, Theophilus of Edessa, Dorotheus, Rhetorius, David Pingree, 'Abbasids
Astrological Works of Theophilus of Edessa

This is the first translation of the astrological works of Theophilus of Edessa, from Greek sources and Arabic excerpts. It includes mundane, electional, and natal astrology.


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Dorotheus’s Carmen Astrologicum (2nd Updated Edition)

This new translation of the Arabic version of Dorotheus contains extensive explanations, notes, diagrams, and the Greek prose Excerpts.

For a short list of errata in the 1st Edition, click or save here.

$24.95 Buy on Amazon
Persian Nativities IV: On the Revolutions of the Years of Nativities

The complete translation of Abu Ma’shar’s book on natal predictive techniques, from the original Arabic.

This volume is a required text for Benjamin Dykes’s traditional natal astrology course.

$36.00 Buy on Amazon
The Astrology of Sahl b. Bishr

This volume contains numerous works by the famous medieval astrologer Sahl b. Bishr, newly translated from Arabic. This volume is a required text for Benjamin Dykes’s traditional natal astrology course.

For a short list of errata, click or save here.


$36.00 Buy on Amazon